Idaho Reentry Services:
to Success

Welcome to Pathways to Success. Our mission is to provide information, tools, and connections to support a successful journey back to family and community. Use the resources on this website to make a plan for preparing reentry into your community and identify your own pathway to success.  

Find the
Path that
Fits Your Future

Education & Training

Explore training, programs, and educational opportunities across Idaho to help prepare you for your next job or career.

Jobs & Careers

Learn about interesting careers, prepare to apply for jobs, and search for open and high-demand positions.

Reentry Prep

Access tools, resources, and support to make a plan for the days and weeks following your release.

Mentorship Success Stories

The Idaho Department of Correction's mentorship program Free2Succeed has helped former inmates by connecting them with mentors who can help throughout the reentry process. Read the Idaho Press story about how this program has helped former inmates get back on their feet as they reentered their communities.